Chicken Little

Chicken Little>

Chicken Little likes to walk in the woods. She likes to look at the trees. She likes to smell the flowers. She likes to listen to the birds singing. One day while she is walking an acorn falls from a tree, and hits the top of her little head. "My, oh, my, the sky is falling. I must run and tell the lion about it" exclaims Chicken Little as she begins to run.

She runs and runs. By and by she meets the hen. "Where are you going?" asks the hen. "Oh, Henny Penny, the sky is falling and I am going to the lion to tell him about it". "How do you know it?" asks Henny Penny. "It hit me on the head, so I know it must be so" says Chicken Little. "Let me go with you!" says Henny Penny. Run, run, the two go off running


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